
Suzanne Freiherz

Neuer Podcast: Insanely Positive :)

Folge 0: Nächste Woche startet meine wöchentliche Show auf Apple Podcasts. Sie heißt Insanely Positive :) Lebe Dein Allerbestes Leben und ich freue mich riesig, dir heute eine kleine Vorschau geben zu können. Insanely Positive ist ein Takeaway Buffet für deine Ohren und dein Herz. Ich habe für dich Geschichten aus dem Leben, …

Categories: Podcast

A Playful Mind

Being playful is the most important part of Yuna. Surprised? Did you think Yuna is all about health and being powerful, kind and mindful? You are absolutely right. It is. But there’s more. A playful mind is at the core of practicing all these qualities. Why? Because every kind of …

Categories: Journal

What True Strength Can Do

This is a very personal story dedicated to everyone aiming to increase body-mind health in their own life and in our world.

With 18 they told me I had allergic asthma. My lung volume was worryingly low and I had to get weekly shots. Just to give you an idea of what this meant during the day: Walking up to the second floor, I had to sit down on the stairs in the first floor to catch my breath. Not a sign of good health we can all agree.

Categories: Journal