Potential. The ability to develop, to achieve, to succeed. To tap into your potential, the prospect of being more than you are now, makes you tingle, doesn’t it? Why?
Because you know, you KNOW, that you are more. More than getting up each day, making your bed, drinking coffee, driving, commuting, cooking, eating, cleaning the kitchen, changing diapers, watching Netflix, scrolling through posts. More than the box others squeezed you into a long time ago, more than you yourself can see when you look into the mirror while you’re brushing your teeth.
You know that you are more.
You can feel it so clearly, can’t you? There is potential energy burning inside your heart and it wants to express itself. It is tired of hiding behind the comfort and safety of daily routine. It wants you to look deeply, through the surface of everyday chores and chatter, and discover the vast pool of potential of who you are, besides your day-to-day routine.
The wall-building mind
The mind, however, immediately sees a potential problem and does something incredible: It makes you stand in your own way. The mind is an expert when it comes to DIY and is a fully trained instructor of how to build a wall.
Think of your wildest dreams and faster than you can say: „Oh yes, I want this!“ the mind crafts bricks of doubts, worries, fears, cements them together with a ton of excuses and bam! your wall is ready to withstand your greatest hopes and deepest desires and it is perfectly fine with watching your heart sink and settle in your stomach as a leaden feeling of what could have been.
The potential of change
This is the moment to explore the potential of change. Thank the wall for showing you how important this dream of yours is. If your dream was only a faint idea, you wouldn’t have bothered to build a solid wall to protect you from disappointment. Smile at your fabulous wall — aka yourself – and ask it – you – nicely but firmly, to step aside.
Whenever this wall hops back onto your path and lures you into limited thinking patterns, tap into your potential to activate a possibility state by asking yourself: What if this was different? What if the way was clear? What if all that was my reality? A potentially scary thought, isn’t it? Awesome!
The scariness of dreams
Scary is what we want. Scary activates unknown potential. The first day of school was scary, the first day of work, the first date, the first bite of sushi, the very first time you sat on your bike and noticed that you are balancing and steering for a longer period of time was scary, but also exciting and motivating. Excitement has the ability to swallow doubts.
Do your dare to go where you usually shy away? Dare to look scary in the eye and not blink? Stop whatever you are doing. Stop right now and dare to dream of what could be. Let your heart soar and allow your dreams to laugh at reason in the rear view mirror.
Then take all this excitement, lightness, energy, joy, and enthusiasm, and use your head to strategize and come up with a step-by-step plan to make your vision tangible, tastable, huggable realness.
The potent duo
Your brain and your heart are a potent duo. Whatever you want to achieve in life, you need to use both and let them walk side by side, hand in hand, showing you the way. Always do what you can do now and all the unknowns, the impossibles, the how-can-I-evers, all the rest, fall into place eventually. Use your beautiful mind to keep focussed and each day do something, no matter how small it may seem, to unleash your potential.
Potential unfolds without big fuss.
The limitless pool of potential inside of you doesn’t feed on one great effort but on constant care. It needs no fireworks to make an impression or get applause. Potential behaves like immense beauty and true greatness always do: It unfolds without big fuss.
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